What's New?
Oh goodness. It's been a while. My apologies. Here's a quick run down of what I've been doing since my last update. After Love Valour...
A Different Kind of Boston Marathon
Hi all! So I think it's been three to maybe four years since I've attempted this project, but life and often other theater projects have...
I'm Back with an abundance of Love! Valour! Compassion!
I was raised in a Lutheran household in the wide barren plains of Wyoming. I was told never to brag, boast, or toot ones horn too loudly....
HostGator Ad!
Hi all! I've spent the past month helping Apollinaire Theater decide their season next year, attending play reading parties and working...
My Acting Journey
So as I write this I find myself at a crossroads both personally and professionally and I thought it might be a decent idea to write a...
Race and Identity - Octoroon preview piece in the Boston Globe
We have our very last rehearsal tonight, with a full capacity house of invited friends and comrades. So it's fitting on the eve of our...
Great WBUR article about "An Octoroon"
Summer, Brandon, Harsh, and myself were interviewed by Spencer Shannon for WBUR's The Artery. It's a grea piece and you can check it out...
Hello World!
So after about a month of planning, this website is up! Thank you to the friends who helped give me feedback on both the content and...